Thursday, 11 April 2013


Hi there! I am Avantika Chaturvedi and I like writing. Currently, I’m in the middle of a novel- that I don’t think will ever get completed. So I thought of taking up some other way to become a published writer.
And then the hunt to a blogging topic started- when I zeroed on in teenage help, then the big question was the name of my blog. I know ‘Finding Nemo’ isn’t anything original. But I have a little explanation to do. I chose this name because the word ‘Nemo’ reminds us of a little fish with a broken fin. And that’s exactly what we are. Adults don’t think we’re mature enough to handle responsibilities or take decisions, while at the same time, kids look up to us. We often tend to lose track of who we are and it's difficult to get back on the right path. And in the process of establishing ourselves once again, we get hurt, and sometimes the damage done takes too much time to repair. The ocean, our world is huge. And we often forget the way back. Because everywhere we look, it’s just the same. It’s water all around us. So, my main motivation here is helping out those in trouble and letting my twitchy fingers do some talking. 
I do have one confession to make, though. I am a chatterbox. And when it comes to writing, I can go on and on and on, without realizing how my reader is actually reacting to my crap. So do me a favor, dear. Please do help me in making my posts a little less boring because this is my first time as a blogger. But no hatred, please. I'm a little too sensitive to strong remarks. Constructive criticism is more than welcome. That way, we create a symbiotic relationship. I will help you with your problems, and you can help me back by telling me where I wavered. 

Now let me tell you something about this blog. I'm going to post on common issues that we teenagers go through day to day. Be it as little as a bad friend, or as massive as self destruction, I'll try to write something that will empower you and guide you to a better door.


P.s. Please comment, share and subscribe!


  1. Avantika You have no idea how much your Blog helps me . :')
    You write amazing stuff.
